FSA – Federal Prison Industries, UNICOR (2022)

Learn more, as this is part of The First Step Act

Program Description is taken from The First Step Act Approved Program Guide,  1/2022 The mission of Federal Prison Industries, Inc. (FPI) is to protect society and reduce crime by preparing inmates for successful reentry through job training. FPI (also known by its trade name UNICOR) is a critical component of the Bureau’s comprehensive efforts to improve inmate reentry. By providing inmates the skills needed to join the workforce upon release, FPI reduces recidivism and helps curb the rising costs of corrections.

FPI is, first and foremost, a correctional program. Its impetus is helping inmates acquire the skills necessary to successfully make the transition from prison to law-abiding, tax-paying, productive members of society. The production of items and provision of services are necessary by-products of those efforts, as FPI does not receive any appropriated funds for operation. FPI is required by statute to diversify its product offerings as much as possible in order to minimize the program’s impact on any one industry. FPI currently produces over 80 types of products and services and has six business groups: Clothing and Textiles; Electronics; Fleet; Office Furniture; Recycling; and Services.

Inmate workers are ordinarily hired through waiting lists. A renewed emphasis has been placed on the use of job sharing and half-time workers. This allows for an increase in the number of inmates who benefit from participating in the FPI program. FPI has placed emphasis on prioritizing inmates on the waiting list within three years of release for available FPI positions, with the aim of hiring inmates at least six months prior to release. FPI has also placed an emphasis on prioritizing inmates on the waiting list who are military veterans, as well as those with financial responsibilities.

Time Frame
Hours This program is typically completed in 500 hours.
Needs Addressed Work
Program Delivery To ensure program fidelity and proper credit, Federal Prison Industries must be delivered by UNICOR.
Institution Locations FCC Allenwood
FCC Beaumont
FCC Butner
FCC Coleman
FCC Forrest City
FCC Lompoc
FCC Oakdale
FCC Petersburg
FCC Pollock
FCC Terre Haute
FCC Victorville
FCC Yazoo City
FCI Ashland (L)
FCI Bastrop (L)
FCI Beckley (M)
FCI Cumberland (M)
FCI Dublin (L)(F)
FCI Edgefield (M)
FCI El Reno (M)
FCI Elkton (L)
FCI Englewood (L)
FCI Estill (M)
FCI Fairton (M)
FCI Fort Dix (L)
FCI Gilmer (M)
FCI Greenville (M)
FCI Jesup (M)
FCI La Tuna (L)
FCI Manchester (M)
FCI Marianna (M)
FCI Memphis (M)
FCI Miami (L)
FCI Milan (L)
FCI Phoenix (M)
FCI Safford (L)
FCI Sandstone (L)
FCI Schuylkill (M)
FCI Seagoville (L)
FCI Sheridan (M)
FCI Talladega (M)
FCI Tallahassee (L)(F)
FCI Texarkana (L)
FCI Waseca (L)(F)
FMC Lexington
FPC Bryan (F)
FPC Montgomery
FPC Pensacola
USP Atlanta (M)
USP Atwater (H)
USP Leavenworth (M)
USP Marion (M)
FCI Terminal Island (M)
FCC = Complex;
FPC = Federal Prison Camp;
SCP = Satellite Camp;
(L) = Low; (M) = Medium; (H) = High;
(F) = Female