Learn more, as this is part of The First Step Act

Program Description Taken from The First Step Act Approved Program Guide 1/2022 The Resource Tools for Reentry for Transgender Individuals is a gender-responsive curriculum for incarcerated women and men, grounded in the evidenced-based practices of: cognitive behavioral therapy; the transtheoretical model of behavior change; motivational interviewing, mindfulness, and interactive journaling. The program is designed to help prepare transgender participants for the challenges of reintegrating into society in the topics of ID documentation, housing, employment,
healthcare, and mental health. These hurdles may be related to their gender identity as well as their criminal history. Participants will learn how to advocate for themselves and are given tools to face these challenges. Components include getting legal identification, finding safe housing, finding reliable employment, finding proper healthcare, and caring for your mental health.

Employees should consult the program material for length and duration of the class. Program materials and updated SENTRY codes are located under the FSA Programs link on the Reentry Services Division Sallyport page.

Time Frame
Needs Addressed Cognitions, Mental Health
Program Delivery To ensure program fidelity and proper credit, Resource Tools for Reentry for Transgender Individuals must be delivered by the Special Populations Program Coordinator, Reentry Affairs Coordinator or Unit Team.
Institution Locations Available at all BOP institutions.