cloNIDine ER 0.1 MG Patch (Catapres-TTS-1)

cloNIDine ER 0.1 MG Patch (Catapres-TTS-1)

Maximum formulary limit of seven days. Non-Formulary; 1. For use in opiate detoxification only, non-formulary request may be submitted after detoxprotocolnitiated. Oral test dose followed by clonidine patch is preferred protocol mechanism. 2. Dose taper over 2 to 4 days for arriving inmates taking greater than 1 mg per day. Refer to clonidine withdrawal guidance, particularly for patients on concomitant beta blocker therapy. Non-formulary request may be submitted after taper initiated. 3. Use in clozapine induced hypersalivation (CIH) after failure or contraindication to benztropine, amitriptyline, and alpha blocker. NOTE: Including combination therapy with benztropine and an alpha blocker for 12 weeks. 4. Use in Tourette’s Syndrome. 5. Use in Hypertensive Urgency/Emergency poses more risk than benefit. Refer to 2006 P&T minutes for guidance.

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