Epoetin Alfa 20,000 Units/ML, 1 ML Inj (Procrit 20,000 Units)

Epoetin Alfa 20,000 Units/ML, 1 ML Inj (Procrit 20,000 Units)

DARBEPOETIN RECOMMENDED AS FIRST LINE AGENT IN DIALYSIS PATIENTS**ESA USE IN CANCER PATIENTS: 1. Other causes of anemia are evaluated and treated, 2. ESA is initiated when Hgb approaches or falls below 10 g/dl, 3. Discontinue ESA if no response in 6-8 weeks (e.g. <1-2 g/dl rise in Hgb or no diminution of transfusion requirements), 4. Hgb is targeted to (or near) 12 g/dl at which point the dosage should be titrated to maintain that level, 5. Reduce dose per package insert when Hgb rise exceeds 1 g/dl in any two-week period or when the Hgb level exceeds 11 g/dl, 6. Iron levels are monitored and supplements prescribed accordingly, ESA is avoided for cancer patients not receiving chemotherapy, The risk of thromboembolism for patients receiving ESAs are weighed carefully9. ESA is withheld when Hgb exceeds 12 g/dl. Restart at 25% below previous dose when Hgb approaches level where transfusions may be required, 10. ESA is discontinued following completion of chemotherapy course, 11. Starting doses and dose modifitions are based on response, or lack thereof, and should follow the package insert, ESA USE IN ESRD PATIENTS: 1. Is on dialysis, 2. Has a hematocrit (or comparable hemoglobin level) that is as follows: a. No higher than 30 percent when initiating therapy, unless there is medical documentation showing, the need for EPO despite a hematocrit (or comparable hemoglobin level) higher than 30 percent. Patients with severe angina, severe pulmonary distress, or severe hypotension, may require EPO to prevent adverse symptoms even if they have higher hematocrit or hemoglobin levels b. For a patient who has been receiving EPO from the facility or the physician, between 30 and 36 percent**Non-Formulary Use Criteria:**1. Epoetin alfa-epbx (Retacrit®) is the preferred formulary alternative. If requesting for patients with hepatitis C therapy:**

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