PHENobarbital 30 MG Tab

PHENobarbital 30 MG Tab

Advisories: 180 DAY MEDICATION ORDERS MAY BE WRITTEN WHEN PRESCRIBED SPECIFICALLY FOR SEIZURE DISORDERS Other orders may not exceed 30 days Immediate release, non-enteric coated, oral controlled substances are to be crushed prior to administration. Immediate release controlled substance capsules should be
pulled apart and administered in powder form. Non-Formulary Use Criteria: 1. Diagnosis of seizure, AND 2. Used in combination with other anticonvulsant medications, AND 3. Used as 3rd line agent, AND 4. Compliance > 90% maintained. Formulary Restrictions:
For Continuation Therapy Only (Including new intakes). Not to be used as first line therapy when initiating new treatment MLP Requires Cosign

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