The Presentence Interview Investigation Report: Is Your Chance To Get Your Message On The Record

The Presentence Interview Investigation Report: Is Your Chance To Get Your Message On The Record

The Presentence Interview Investigation Report 

The Personal Narrative

Start  preparation as early as possible after your conviction,

* Your attorney should reach out to the Probation Officer

* When is the initial Presentence Report “date due”

* Defense can be 1st to explain your position if the PO was not at trial, and has not already spoken with the Prosecutor

* They still may have an open mind.


A little extra effort goes a long way …

* Consider presenting your client’s biographical history that explains your position in an “organized” letter to the PO, ASAP.

* As Probation Officers are: Very busy Doing their best – and Never have enough time.

  • They may appreciate your efforts in easing this portion    of their workload,

* Remember, a little effort does go a long way.

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