Preparing for the Presentence Interview should begin ASAP, and this comes from Federal Judge Robert N. Scola:
Judge Scola suggested that lawyers took a page out of the book from our death penalty colleagues and advised, “Don’t wait to think about sentencing advocacy,” since 99 percent of federal criminal clients will be facing sentencing, start preparing the case for sentencing early on.

I. The BOP Formulary (all generic) is provided either:
On-Formulary: as long as it is included in your Presentence Report (PSR), it should be provided immediately.

II. Non-Formulary: If the medications are on this list, they will Not Be Available. But if the treating provider goes through every medication that is On-Formulary, with their treating records documenting why, drug-by-drug, each medication that has been tried was unsuccessful, or for another reason of equal importance.

III. Therapeutic Equivalent Substitution: a drug that is therapeutically equivalent to, but chemically different from, the drug originally prescribed by a physician.

IV. Not Available. The Caveat is that many Judges believe that BOP covers all aspects of the required 2023- 2024 bop leadership- attorneys – director of medical care. Unfortunately, following COVID-19, cracks were evident in this theory. How?
1) It’s great to have excellent Policies and Procedures, but they only work if followed.
2) Staffing shortages cause medical care delays and sometimes fail to provide that needed care.
3) Medical Second Opinions can take up to 36 months if allowed, but Clinical Directors are not obligated Judge says conditions too ‘dreadful’ 3-21-24 (5-2022_ winter_formulary_part_1, Page 4: #5) to follow their specialist’s recommendations.
4) The BOP will ignore a judge if they order treatment or medication. If there are issues, (5-2022_ winter_formulary_part_1, Page 4: #9) suggests contacting the appropriate BOP Regional Directors, up to the Director. The BOP Regional Attorneys.

The disconnect to me is that the BOP Hierarchy is best contacted before a medical emergency.
Dr. Blatstein (Marc)
Physician Presentence Report Service (
• Sentence Mitigation
• Humanizing Yourself To The Court
• The Narrative, Release Plan, Allocution
• Expectations of Daily Life in Prison, The Do’s and Don’ts



Welcome to my video series, ” INDICTED AND FACING PRISON.” My name is Marc Blatstein, and I know firsthand how surreal and overwhelming this experience can be. That’s why I’m here: to provide you with crucial daily information so you can navigate these challenging times with knowledge, preparation, and confidence.

The DOJ has a 98% conviction rate. With your future at stake, hiring a legal team with a proven track record of successfully defending cases like yours is critical. Don’t just settle for experience; choose a team that can get you the best outcome. Make the right choices today, and you can move forward with confidence tomorrow.

The Probation Officer who interviews you also has the ear of your judge and should be considered the most important person in your life.
This meeting is your opportunity to make a great 1st impression and connect with them personally. How do you do this?
· You’ve provided all the information they requested, organized and proofread for mistakes.
· “You have taken the time to create a compelling and detailed story that explores your life history and explains the circumstances that led to your breaking the law.
· You have given thorough insight into the reasons and mechanisms behind these events, taken responsibility for your actions, shown empathy for the harmed victims, and expressed genuine remorse.

A Release Plan begins to show the court your efforts to avoid returning to this courtroom and your efforts to begin making amends.

Together, this shows your P.O. that you’re taking this matter seriously and respecting their time by providing everything they need 1-2 weeks before the interview. This allows the Probation Officer to have quality time with the defendant without being rushed. Here, they can get to know your client personally and ask any remaining questions they may have.
· This positive preparation is appreciated and can result in a favorable recommendation to the court and judge on your behalf.
· The resulting Presentence Report (PSR) is reviewed for accuracy. Finding your narrative woven into the official report represents a partial success and is crucial to your future, as the PSR is the gift that keeps giving.

Call me Today at 240.888.7778 to engage my services or have your concerns answered. This is my Cell phone number; I personally answer and return all calls. You can also get additional information on my website:


…stated that for low-need/low-risk inmates, home confinement is the preferred pre-release option.
This option is currently under-utilized. Program Statement 7320.01, Home Confinement. [More than 5 years before the FSA] Two home confinement options
1) placement under the supervision of an RRC or
2) placement in a Federal Location Monitoring (FLM) program operated by U. S. Probation, where available. Staff are encouraged to maximize resources, including recommending direct placement on home confinement for appropriate inmates.
Should RRM staff have concerns regarding a referral and/or the recommended placement, they will communicate these concerns to the referring institution, typically the Case Management Coordinator (CMC).

**This is a perfect example of why the personal narrative and an ever-growing release plan with a history of spending one’s time in constructive activities could smooth out the process and get you that case manager’s HH or HC recommendation for the RRM. Best started before the PSI.
However, there are no promises or guarantees when dealing with the BOP or the courts.

  • Case managers who are on the front line of implementing this law are encountering problems because of their interpretation of the law and halfway house capacity issues.
  • You can “stack” The 2nd Chance ACT HC and then add your FTCs towards it, BUT THAT’s NOT HAPPENING. Why?
  • Case Managers don’t currently have a PRD or a calculator to see your transition date to halfway house,” Cooper said. With no calculator, there can be no stacking, and this calculator has been promised for months.
FTC-related issues using the administrative remedy process are 3 issues.
1) Case managers are unaware of these rules; ‘the process is broken.’ Many staff do not understand the nuances of the law.
2) The process can take months to over a year, so even the Adm Remedy process may not work.
3) Case Managers are left to (be the middle child), telling AIC that “Central Office advised they have no update or info regarding when the second application, as the projected date of leaving the institution, is still unavailable.
Dr. Blatstein (Marc)
PSR Service

Federal Judge Carlton Reeves Delivers Another Urgent, Scathing Warning About the Supreme Court.


Federal Judge Carlton Reeves Delivers Another Urgent, Scathing Warning About the Supreme Court.


Clarence Jamison wasn’t jaywalking.1
He wasn’t outside playing with a toy gun.2
He didn’t look like a “suspicious person.”3
He wasn’t suspected of “selling loose, untaxed cigarettes.”4
He wasn’t suspected of passing a counterfeit $20 bill.5
He wasn’t mentally ill and in need of help.7
He wasn’t assisting an autistic patient who had wandered away from a group home. 8
He didn’t make an “improper lane change.”16
He didn’t have a broken tail light.17
He wasn’t driving over the speed limit.18
He wasn’t driving under the speed limit.19
No, Clarence Jamison was a Black man driving a Mercedes convertible.

May 16, 2024, Amicus With Dahlia Lithwick | Slate’s Amicus Podcast
…the consequences of this theory when conservative justices apply it to overturn centuries of precedent, including the right to abortion and states’ ability to combat gun violence.

Qualified Immunity – the impact of the Supreme Court’s delay in deciding down to the lowest courts in the land?

Dr. Blatstein (Marc)
Physician Presentence Report Service (



Welcome to my video series, ” INDICTED AND FACING PRISON.” My name is Marc Blatstein, and I know firsthand how surreal and overwhelming this experience can be. That’s why I’m here to provide you with crucial daily information. Knowledge and Preparation can boost your confidence, allowing you to navigate these challenging times.

The information in this series and on (and PPRSUS Resources) is readily accessible and completely Free to all. Should you wish to engage my services, my contact information is at the end.

The DOJ and Feds have been asking questions; their case is mostly complete. With a 98% conviction rate, the odds are not in your favor. However, knowledge is power, and it’s in your hands. Delaying your next step could have severe consequences.

Your future is at stake, so hiring a legal team with a proven track record of successfully defending cases like yours is critical. Don’t just settle for experience; choose a team that can get you the best outcome. Make the right choices now, and you can move forward with confidence.



  • Bathing, Eating, Washing and Toileting, Dressing, and Getting in and out of bed on your own.
  • Medical problems, social behavior, vocational activities, and mental health issues.

Inmate Companions (available only at several specific institutions) are other inmates who are responsible for helping these individuals.


PADL – Disability in prison activities of daily living and likelihood of depression and suicidal ideation in older prisoners.

  • Dropping to the floor for alarms, standing for the head count (but they don’t want to), Getting to the dining hall for meals, Hearing orders and Not Understanding or Following them, Climbing on and off of a top bunk, and not understanding one’s Personal Space.
  • Also, depression, being physically abused, and for both, not being able to communicate.
  • This all presents a disciplinary problem for untrained staff.

To engage my services or to have your concerns answered, Call me Today: 240.888.7778. This is my Cell and I personally answer and return all calls. You can also get additional information on my website @:

The BOP has left federal judges feeling that the BOP can provide Complete Medical Care.

The BOP has left federal judges feeling that the BOP can provide Complete Medical Care.

The information in this series and on (and PPRSUS Resources) is readily accessible and completely Free to all. Should you wish to engage my services, my contact information is at the end.
Welcome to my video series, ” INDICTED AND FACING PRISON.” My name is Marc Blatstein, and I know firsthand how surreal and overwhelming this experience can be. That’s why I’m here to provide you with crucial daily information. Knowledge and Preparation will build the confidence needed to navigate these challenging times.
The DOJ and Feds have been asking questions; their case is mostly complete. With a 98% conviction rate, the odds are not in your favor. However, knowledge is power, and it’s in your hands. Delaying your next step could have severe consequences.
Your future is at stake, so hiring a legal team with a proven track record of successfully defending cases like yours is critical. Don’t just settle for experience; choose a team that can get you the best outcome.

Make the right choices today, and you can move forward with confidence tomorrow.

· We all want the SARS-CoV-2 gone, but contagions do what they do.
· Long COVID: Where Are We in 2024? Does the BOP Mission provide the necessary Multidisciplinary Center Care for Long COVID Syndrome?
To engage my services or to have your concerns answered, Call me Today: 240.888.7778. This is my Cell and I personally answer and return all calls.
You can also get additional information on my website @:

Heat: Climate Change’s Deadly Impact Is Even More Severe on Those Incarcerated

Heat: Climate Change’s Deadly Impact Is Even More Severe on Those Incarcerated

Welcome to my video series, ” INDICTED AND FACING PRISON.” My name is Marc Blatstein, and I know firsthand how surreal and overwhelming this experience can be. That’s why I’m here to provide you with crucial daily information. Knowledge and Preparation will boost your confidence to navigate these challenging times.

The information in this series and on (and PPRSUS Resources) is readily accessible and completely Free to all. Should you wish to engage my services, my contact information is at the end.

The DOJ and Feds have been asking questions; their case is mostly complete. With a 98% conviction rate, the odds are not in your favor. However, knowledge is power, and it’s in your hands. Delaying your next step could have severe consequences.

Your future is at stake, so hiring a legal team with a proven track record of successfully defending cases like yours is critical. Don’t just settle for experience; choose a team that is a good fit for you to get the best possible outcome. Make the right choices now, and you can move forward with confidence.

Climate change is predicted to increase the frequency of potentially hazardous heat conditions across the United States, putting the 2 million incarcerated people at risk for heat-related health conditions. Texas and Florida accounted for 52% of total exposure despite holding 12% of all incarcerated people.

JESSE M. FURMAN, United States District Judge, in UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, -v- GUSTAVO CHAVEZ, … the Metropolitan Detention Center (“MDC”) in Brooklyn — has had its share of problems. In winter 2019, a power outage left inmates without light or heat for a week while a polar vortex swept the East Coast.

Extreme heat can be deadly, or harsh winter weather can result in viruses spreading rapidly due to the proximity of AIC (Adults In Custody).

·      If you have a medical condition that puts you at higher risk, it is important to document this in the PSR, where Compassionate Release through the Second Look Act may become necessary.

·      Climate Change, Extreme Heat in Prisons, and then the cumulative dangerous effect for those taking these medications:

·      Antidepressants (1. SSRIs increase sweating, increasing the risk of dehydration; 2. Tricyclic antidepressants, or TCAs, may decrease sweating, making it harder to cool off),

·      Anticholinergics, CNS Depressants, Heart Meds, Anti-Psychotics, and Insulin.

To engage my services or to have your concerns answered, Call me Today: 240.888.7778. This is my Cell and I personally answer and return all calls. You can also get additional information on my website @:

Sports Is a Great Mental Relief – Just Don’t Get Hurt  

Sports Is a Great Mental Relief – Just Don’t Get Hurt  

Welcome to my video series, ” INDICTED AND FACING PRISON.” My name is Marc Blatstein, and I know firsthand how surreal and overwhelming this experience can be. That’s why I’m here to provide you with crucial daily information. Knowledge and Preparation will help restore your confidence to navigate these challenging times.

The information in this series and on (and PPRSUS Resources) is readily accessible and completely Free to all. Should you wish to engage my services, my contact information is at the end.

The DOJ and Feds have been asking questions; their case is mostly complete. With a 98% conviction rate, the odds are not in your favor. However, knowledge is power, and it’s in your hands. Delaying your next step could have severe consequences.

Your future is at stake, so hiring a legal team with a proven track record of successfully defending cases like yours is critical. Don’t just settle for experience; choose a team that can get you the best outcome. Make the right choices now, and you can move forward with confidence.

Playing sports is a therapeutic way to ease the pain of where you are. Just don’t go crazy and get a sports-related injury, as medical care in prison will not be like you’re used to at home.

  • Possible fracture or dislocation could take days – weeks, or longer to get an X-ray (or CT scan or MRI)
  • The Second Opinion could take up to three years, but the BOP is not required to follow its medical specialists’ recommendations.
  • An ankle sprain or hairline fracture (which can’t be seen on an x-ray for approximately two weeks) could, at best, get you Motrin, Tylenol, or Aspirin.
  • Play sports, and just be smart about everything you do in prison.
  • If you get injured and feel you are not getting the basic care, the BOP encourages using The Administrative Remedy Process.



#PPRSUS, #BOP, #PSR, #WhiteCollar, #crime, #psi, #lawyer, #attorney, #ppp, #MoneyLaundering, #arrest, #prisonlife, #federalprison, #ParentChildTalk, #prisontok, #prisonlife, #law,  #legal, #legaladvice, #federalprison,

The information in this series and on (and PPRSUS Resources) is readily accessible and completely Free to all. Should you wish to engage my services, my contact information is at the end.

Welcome to my video series, “INDICTED AND FACING PRISON.” My name is Marc Blatstein, and I know firsthand how surreal and overwhelming this experience can be. That’s why I’m here to provide you with crucial daily information. With Knowledge, Preparation, and Confidence, you have the best chance of successfully navigating these challenging times.

The DOJ and Feds have been asking questions; their case is mostly complete. With a 98% conviction rate, the odds are not in your favor. However, knowledge is power, and it’s in your hands. Delaying your next step could have severe consequences.

Your future is at stake, so hiring a legal team with a proven track record of successfully defending cases like yours is critical. Don’t just settle for experience; choose a team that can get you the best outcome. Make the right choices today, and you can move forward with confidence tomorrow.

Should you have questions, please do not hesitate to call and consider engaging my services at 240.888.7778—this is your life.

The BOP Formulary.

  1. If your generic medication is listed as available on their formulary, the next step is to verify that it is not listed as Non-Formulary.
  2. If, with further inspection, it is found as Non-Formulary, you will most likely Not Get It – Not Good.
  3. Not Available

·      Your doctors’ notes need to be written in a specific way.

·      Medication Therapeutic Substitution Policy Pages 44 – 47

The Caveat:

•       BOP Policies and Procedures, while documented, only work if they’re implemented or enforced.

•       Here, your Comprehensive PSI won’t guarantee that you will be designated appropriately or receive the necessary Medical Care. Still, it can provide for The Administrative Remedy Process (which the BOP encourages),

…followed by Compassionate Release through the Second Look Act.

·      2nd Opinions: Yes, although 1) this could take three years if allowed, and 2) the BOP Clinical Director for your facility Does Not Have to Follow the specialist’s recommendations.

To engage my services or to have your concerns answered, Call me Today at 240.888.7778. This is my Cell phone number, and I personally answer and return all calls. You can also get additional information on my website @:




The information in this series and on (and PPRSUS Resources) is readily accessible and completely Free to all. Should you wish to engage my services, my contact information is at the end.

Welcome to my video series, ” INDICTED AND FACING PRISON.” My name is Marc Blatstein, and I know firsthand how surreal and overwhelming this experience can be. That’s why I’m here to provide you with crucial daily information. Knowledge and Preparation build the Confidence you’ll need to navigate these challenging times.

The DOJ and Feds have been asking questions; their case is mostly complete. With a 98% conviction rate, the odds are not in your favor. However, knowledge is power, and it’s in your hands. Delaying your next step could have severe consequences.

Your future is at stake, so hiring a legal team with a proven track record of successfully defending cases like yours is critical. Don’t just settle for experience; choose a team that can get you the best outcome. Make the right choices now, and you can move forward with confidence.

Should you have questions, please do not hesitate to call and consider engaging my services at 240.888.7778—this is your life.

Long before the Presentence Interview (PSI),

  • Preparation for what is to come includes understanding the Four Levels of Medical Care and providing all relevant information clearly defined before the interview,
  • No matter how insignificant or long-ago the medical care was, it should be seriously considered for inclusion.

They range from

  • CARE LEVEL I (for the healthiest)
  • CARE LEVEL II, similar to a well-staffed Internal Medicine Practice
  • CARE LEVEL IV (those needing inpatient care 24/7/365)
  • CARE LEVEL IIII, outpatient care will suffice for those who do not qualify for 24/7 Nursing.

The Caveat:

  • While documented, BOP Policies and Procedures only work if implemented or enforced.

Compassionate Release

•       2nd Opinions, Yest, although 1) this could take three years if allowed, and 2) the BOP Clinical Director for your facility Does Not Have to Follow the specialist’s recommendations.

·      The BOP also determines whether a defendant has any medical or mental healthcare needs that will affect their placement. To the extent it will happen, continuity of care in the BOP depends on comprehensive preparation for the Presentence Interview, followed by verifying the final Presentence Report for accuracy.

·      This cannot be over-emphasized.

Call me Today at 240.888.7778 to engage my services or have your concerns answered. This is my Cell phone number; I personally answer and return all calls.

You can also get additional information on my website @: