
Copayments for Medical Visits – BOP Policy

Examples of No Copay With Staff Referrals

• Blood pressure monitoring;

• Glucose monitoring;

• Insulin injections;

• Chronic Care Clinics;

• Testing for tuberculosis;

• Vaccinations;

• Wound care; and

• Patient education, etc.

Follow-up treatment for chronic conditions

• Preventive healthcare services;

• Emergency services;

• Prenatal care;

• Diagnosis or treatment of chronic infectious diseases;

• Mental health care; or

• Substance abuse treatment

Here – Yes, you must pay a $2 Copay, if [§549.70(b), Page 2]

  1. You are charged with or convicted of an offense against the US
  2. You have injured another inmate and must pay for their care
  3. You requested a visit that was Not an Emergency, and you didn’t get a staff referral.

You’re a Post-COVID Long-Hauler Is A Mitigating Factor

You’re a Post-COVID Long-Hauler:

  • You are not a CARE LEVEL III candidate, and
  • You can only accomplish some of your Activities of Daily Living (ADL)
  • You’re not capable of,
    • Maintaining work and Program hours
    • Standing or hearing “Count Times”
    • Getting out of bed, sometimes
    • This is a multi-organ disease

No Prison (Federal or State) Jail or Detention Center has the resources to care for you – because there is no universal care plan available.

If You’re a Post-COVID Long-Hauler, Immunocompromised, or have had COVID, but with recurring symptoms that keep you sedentary and in pain from multiple organ systems. It is only recently that HHS has begun to collect all the research being done nationwide, cataloging and studying it in a comprehensive study.

There is No Prison (Federal or State), Jail, or Detention Center

That has the resources to care for You!

This is Because SARS CoV-2 infection (PASC),

  1. This Virus and those to follow may include ongoing health problems which may last weeks, months, or years.
  2. Is still being researched, and while we are tired of it, it is still a Virus.
  3. These facilities do not have the (1:1) staff in place, training, time, supplies, or finances to provide this quality care.

COVID – a true roller coaster of symptoms and severities, with each new day offering many unknowns.”

While some patients recover others will suffer long-term damage.
This is an article I published on 2/1/2022, of A Physician’s Experience As A COVID Long-Hauler Patient

Your Personal Narrative – Your Last Chance To Control Your Future

Your Personal Narrative  Express remorse and understanding for 1) the victim’s pain, and suffering, 2) and the pain it caused your family.

Your Personal Narrative: Agree with the court as to the: 1) seriousness of the crime, without 2) minimizing the seriousness of the crime.

  • What brought you to this moment, that involved crime?
  • What has this experience taught you? Did it bring up past experiences?
  • What is your plan to never re-offend?
  • If there was a “trigger,” what was that trigger, and how do you remove it from your life?
Judge, I feel financially responsible and want to make amends
  • I know this is not much, but here is $$
  • I have a Release Plan – A Job when I get home, and then I will be able to start the Financial Responsibility Program
  • As I will have little to no income – by not participating in the Financial Responsibility Program, The BOP may keep me from participating in programs – and be held against me.

The Presentence Interview Investigation Report: Is Your Chance To Get Your Message On The Record

The Presentence Interview Investigation Report 

The Personal Narrative

Start  preparation as early as possible after your conviction,

* Your attorney should reach out to the Probation Officer

* When is the initial Presentence Report “date due”

* Defense can be 1st to explain your position if the PO was not at trial, and has not already spoken with the Prosecutor

* They still may have an open mind.


A little extra effort goes a long way …

* Consider presenting your client’s biographical history that explains your position in an “organized” letter to the PO, ASAP.

* As Probation Officers are: Very busy Doing their best – and Never have enough time.

  • They may appreciate your efforts in easing this portion    of their workload,

* Remember, a little effort does go a long way.

Take Ownership of Your Defense – What Happens When You Don’t

Take Ownership of Your Defense – What Happens When You Don’t

I wanted to do this podcast regarding a phone call that I had earlier this morning. Someone who has a disease and is on medication., and yet his attorney had not prepared all his medical records – or any of his medical records for his PSR and sentencing hearing.

Speaking with him this morning, I was taken aback to learn that he had already been sentenced. Here I was trying to ask questions and learn how it was he was sentenced with an incomplete pre-sentence report. – That didn’t make any sense.

But, if the information I learned was accurate, his presentence report was incomplete.

The person’s main concern was that his medication did not appear available on the BOP online Formulary. Initially, I must give credit to this gentleman and his wife (who is in school to be a nurse practitioner). They recognized that the medication was not on the formulary, which is not easy to figure out – it is a complicated table.

As he was to surrender in the next 45-60 days, my recommendations were to meet with his treating physician to:

·        Get copies of “all” his records

·        Copies of his prescriptions

·        Review the BOP Formulary with his physician to see if there were any acceptable medications to substitute.

·        If Yes, he needs to get a copy of this new notification regarding a medication change, due to the BOP Formulary

  • Get a hard copy of the prescription and fill it.

·        If No, and this is a Continuity of Care and/or life-threatening issue, then appearing in court at the Sentencing Hearing is preferred, as Judges would usually like to question the Specialist. The challenge – he has already been sentenced, so I suppose he will call me back…

While I hope this Case Is rare, it points out that every defendant must take ownership of all aspects of their defense once they’re indicted.

Then, Be honest with yourself (and your attorney) regarding the case’s facts, and start interviewing attorneys.

·        Ask for referrals to speak to some happy clients, then.

·        Ask to read some of their sentencing memorandums in cases like yours.

·        The goal is to see if they’re the same or if each is individualized – In the same Criminal defense space.

·        If the attorney says this is private information, which is understandable, agree and then request that they block out all personal information.

Then you just can’t assume that the attorney is going to do everything right – which is why I am doing this podcast.

  • This must be a partnership with your attorney.

 So, what does that mean? This partnership extends into preparation for the pre-sentence interview. Which will impact your future.
The short version is that the probation officer’s responsibility is to Interview you., Investigate, and then draft the Presentence Report (PSR).

  • They then provide your PSR to the judge and their recommendations for your sentence and placement.

Part I) So, how do you take Ownership?

First. Your attorney reaches out to learn who your probation officer is, and then contact them.

Assume that the probation officer has Googled you &/or spoken to the prosecutor. Because if they have, then they may already have a bias Against you,

Why, because the Justice Department has already released all the information about you that makes you look horrible.

1st           So this first step by your attorney reaching out to the PO, Sets the Tone 

  • For Your Defense, it allows them to hear from
  • you first before they’ve been 
  • tainted by others’ perceptions of who you are. 

This allows them to make their case regarding their defense strategy, on the record – to the PO. This is followed by a very organized, detailed letter that details this strategy.

They will also Ask the probation officer:

  • what documents they will need at the time of the interview.
  • What date is best for them to do the pre-sentence interview?
  • And what is their final dictation Deadline date to have their official pre-sentence report due to their supervisor?

2nd          Review with your legal team that all the information you have collected, to ensure all your background information is available and accurate

3rd         The PO has scored your Public Safety Factors (PSF), Management Variables, Criminal History Score, Offense Level (current charges), 

  • Be prepared, so should you and your attorneys

4th          RDAP Eligible, Then INCLUDE It. I didn’t, and I stayed a bit longer inside…

5th          Don’t try for a CARE LEVEL III or IV unless it is required because it houses both violent and non-violent offenders
Part II) So how do you take Ownership?
You, as the defendant has jobs. 

1st           You must collect All of your biographical background information.

Copies of all your medical and mental healthcare records and your physician’s contact information (name, Phone number, address, e-mail.)

Copies of all surgery reports, medication prescriptions, and medical devices. 

·        If you’ve had any hospitalizations, copies of those records.

·        If you’ve had any sort of laboratory blood test, copies of those, or X-rays, CT scans, MRI scans, PET scans, or ultrasounds, all of those will have reports associated with them. You need to get copies of everything. 

  • You should also get them on CDs. 

·        While you’re doing this, it’s been my impression that most people don’t have a copy of their medical records. Therefore, it would be simpler if you asked for two copies of everything from each provider of all these documents. 

Next, you will have to get copies of your birth certificate, driver’s license, Social Security card, and passport.

Also, the highest level of education that you’ve achieved, if you’ve been in the military, what’s the highest rank you had, and what type of discharge? Any certificates – include them.


Character reference letters. 

Those writing character reference letters (or references about your character) must include that they know you’re facing a criminal charge. 

  • They should reference good deeds that they have seen you do, tutoring, and volunteering. 
  • It also could be letters from former employers who say they know you are willing to rehire you. A VERY BIG DEAL

 2nd          Your Personal Narrative – takes work, and starts with writing your life story, the good, the bad, and the ugly. 

  • If it starts a book, great, it will be re-written, multiple times and distilled until it represents 



3rd          Reentry Planning: Starts now, extending through the prison, RRC, and supervised release

When I was sentenced – I WAS UNPREPARED

This is why I was concerned during this conversation, and my recommendations were simple:

·        Meet with your doctor and let them review the BOP Formulary Drug List for a substitution

  • Get copies of all of his medical records, lab tests, surgery reports, physician contact information, and all of the X-Rays, CTs, MRIs, Ultrasounds, and any other scans both in a report form and on CDs
  • Put them in a big envelope, labeled legal mail for his surrender

·        Don’t forget about Your Personal Narrative and Allocution


This is why it’s important to participate in your defense – I sympathize with those who like me, are “The deer in Headlights.” But the “Symbolic Act” of participating in your defense, that “taking back Control” will begin to slowly build the Confidence back that made you the success that you are

Dr. Blatstein

FBI arrests Bankman-Tried in massive Crypto FTX fraud

FBI arrests Bankman-Fried in massive Crypto FTX fraud

Trial or Plea. Feds have a 98+% Conviction Rate
Trial: AUSA Gets the publicity of a win
Plea: Still a long sentence, but less.

How he can help himself – if he can;

  • Self-reflection
  • Take responsibility
  • Remorse for the Victims – Heartfelt
  • Take the time to think, about his childhood, what brought him to this point
  • This could take months
  • Then put this in writing, as a letter, a story, from the heart and honestly
  • This over time could become his: Personal Narrative
  • And when in conversation with the Judge, His Allocution

COUNT I: Conspiracy To Commit Wire Fraud on Customers
18 U.S. Code § 1343 – Fraud by wire, radio, or television: shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 20 years, or both. (Title 18, United States Code, Section 1349.)

COUNT II:  Wire Fraud on Customers
(Title 18, United States Code, Sections 1343 and 2.)

COUNT III: Conspiracy To Commit Wire Fraud on Lenders 
18 U.S. Code § 1343, (title 18, United States Code, Section 1349.)

COUNT IV: Wire Fraud on Lenders  – 20 YEARS
18 U.S. Code § 1343,

COUNT V: Conspiracy To Commit Commodities Fraud
Title 17, Code of Federal Regulations, Section 180.1,
Title 7, United States Code, Sections 9(1) and 13(a) (5),
(Title 18, United States Code, Section 371.)

COUNT VI: Conspiracy To  Securities Fraud
Title 17, Code of Federal Regulations, Section 240.10b-5,
(Title 18, United States Code, Section 371.)
Individuals face up to a 25-year sentence and business entities face fines of up to $25 million.

COUNT VII: Conspiracy To Commit Money Laundering
Title 18, United States Code, Sections 1956 (a) (1) (B) (i) and 1957(a)
(Title 18, United States Code, Section 1956 (h).)

COUNT VIII: Conspiracy to Defraud the United States and Violate the Campaign Finance Laws
Title 52, United States Code, Sections 30109(d) (1) (A) & (0).

Healthcare, You’re The Target – DOJ and HHS White-Collar Task Force

DOJ and HHS Enforcement White-Collar Task Force
You suspected that you were an FBI Target, but just not convinced, 

First, is getting a great WHITE-COLLAR criminal defense attorney, whom you trust, then you have,
Two options; Trial or Plea.

·        Trial (or Plea): The costs could easily exceed $100, 000 ++

·        Trial: While the goal is to win, understand that should you lose,

·        Here The US Attorney will request a longer sentence (payback!) –

·        But if you and your attorney are Confident – Stay Strong!


The probation officer controls your future. They conduct your interview, draft the presentence report, and can sway the court regarding your sentence length and placement.

Preparation for your Presentence Interview (PSI) cannot be overstated, your future depends on it.

·        First contact. After “guilty”, it’s helpful for your attorney to

·        connect with your Probation Officer, to

·        learn the date for their “dictation deadline”, which is the date that their Presentence Report (PSR) draft is due to their supervisor,

·        plus the date for your interview.

  • This provides the opportunity to get your ‘message’ to the officer
  •  before they speak with the prosecutor or
  •  Read online, which is biased against you.

·        Generally speaking, when working with the probation officer, a little extra effort goes a long way.

  • Consider presenting your entire view of the case, clearly in a letter to the PO as soon as possible.
  • If you feel the PO is receptive to a variance, this may be key to convincing the court to consider a sentence below the guideline range.
  • Consider presenting your entire view of the case, clearly in a letter to the PO as soon as possible – getting your message “on the record”.
  • As Probation Officers are very busy, doing their best, and never have enough time, they may actually appreciate your efforts in easing a portion of their workload,
  • Remember, a little thoughtful effort does go a long way.

The Probation Officer (P.O.) will write the official Presentence Report (PSR), and with it,

·        The Judge will determine the length of your sentence.

·        The Bureau of Prisons Administration uses the same PSR to place or designate you in a prison.

  • Your Unit Team, Case Managers, Psychologists, and Medical will refer to it throughout your stay.
  • Visitation is determined by it


Are you happy about the DOJ Narrative Story they have released to Google about you,


Then start working on your

Personal Narrative, it’s your chance to explain your narrative to the Judge.

1st. Express remorse for the victim(s), understanding their pain, suffering, and how it has impacted them.

2. Agree with the court as to the seriousness of the crime, without minimizing it. Expand on this topic

3. What in your life brought you to this moment, what happened that caused you to do this?
a. You can expand on this, with salient points from your childhood, while,

·        Get feedback from a consultant, attorney, or someone with this skill

·        If there was a “trigger,” what was that trigger, and how do you remove it from your life?

·        It will be a slow start, but when complete, you will be a different person, with a unique Personal Narrative or Story to tell directly to the Judge.

·        It is now Your Story, Unique and Honest.

4. What has this experience taught you? Did it bring up moments from your past?

5. Explain to the Judge that you have a plan (ONLY IF YOU DO) to start making this right with those you have victimized

6. What is your plan to never re-offend, and you will NEVER Be Back Again In Their Courtroom? 

Meanwhile, you have been,

1.     Collecting copies of your medical records

·        Hospital, laboratory, radiology, physician, surgical, prescription, and medical devices.

·        As all of these take time, medical practices are also very busy – so don’t wait.

2. Other records:

·        Educational, military, character, community service, work references, original birth certificates, social security card, license, etc, and, you get the picture.

3. Of significance to your life in the BOP;

·        Bottom Bunk: Past medical history of Tinnitus, vertigo, or back problems.

·        Diabetic Soft Shoes, Sneakers Instead of Rigid Institutional Boots: Past medical history of a torn Achilles heel, knee, or hip issues

·        Being of a certain age / Having weight, or a Hernia issue: could result in getting passes of “no standing for prolonged periods” and/or “no lifting over 15 pounds,” helping you escape some of the crappier work assignments.

·        “Medical idles,” which get you out of everything, are also available, either short or long-term, for various ongoing ailments (ranging from a bad hip to PTSD).


Once the PSR is done, these can/should be checked for accuracy

PREPARATION: The PROBATION INTERVIEW (FORM) starts out with; can you explain what happened, and then follow a format similar to this outline, which could include:

VICTIM IMPACT: The chance for victims to speak


USSC CRIMINAL HISTORY: A scored calculation based on criminal history

USSC OFFENSE LEVEL/CONDUCT: A scored calculation based on your current charges.



OFFENDER CHARACTERISTICS: Through conversation, the officer learns who you are. Saying nothing leaves ‘all’ including the court to believe what the DOJ has released to the press is 100% true. If Not, THEN THIS IS YOUR TIME TO TO WRITE YOUR STORY/NARRATIVE AND PROVIDE YOUR PERSPECTIVE

FAMILIAL HISTORY: Married – Children – parents’ responsibilities and sole caregiver

DEFENDANT’S PHYSICAL CONDITION: Medically documented bad Back-Hip-Knees-Shoulder could provide you with a Bottom Bunk. Diabetic, Vascular Disease, Raynaylds could allow the Medicare soft shoe or sneakers.

MEDICAL/PHYSICAL HEALTH, MENTAL AND EMOTIONAL HEALTH: Include ALL medical records, Labs, Surgery Reports, X-ray – CT-MRI-Ultrasound-Pet Scans (in Written and CD Format), Prescriptions for medications (Check Generic Medication Availability), and medical devices, along will ALL physician contact information.

SUBSTANCE ABUSE: Alcohol, Drug (Legal or Illegal), within the previous 12 months before the arrest. RDAP allows up to 1 year off the sentence. They may do a Urine test.

EDUCATION AND VOCATIONAL SKILLS: Copied of the highest level, otherwise a GED will be required in prison. If you have experience in/with computers, administrators frown on these skills, so you may want to reconsider using these.

MILITARY: Copies, branch, discharge?

EMPLOYMENT: The PO will check. Judges love a good work record/history

STATEMENT FINANCIAL RECORDS: If there are financial fines/restitution, Congress and The BOP now require a Financial Responsibility Plan to benefit from all Earned Time Credits and access to Programming. Therefore if the events allow, counsel could ask that the court writes into the record that payments should only start after release from the BOP.

·        Financial Responsibility Plan (FRP). If you have a hefty fine or restitution, and money is a problem, the BOP ‘FRP’ Program requires participation. If you refuse, this could hinder your involvement in PATTERN Programs’ efforts towards early release and Halfway House along with restricting some of your commissary use.

It may help if your attorney could ask the judge to write into the order, that the defendant does not have to participate in the Financial Responsibility Plan until after they are released from the BOP, as they have a job and will then be able to make payments at that time.

Otherwise, be proactive, and at your first team meeting, offer what you can ($0.00/month) towards your FRP account. Be aware that at your next team meeting, they will know exactly how much money you have spent, and it’s too early to create a bad – first impression.

12/17/2022, I learned today that a Judge recently put into their “Order”, that the defendant has to pay $25/quarter.


·        Birth or baptismal certificate

·        Divorce decreeDraft registration card Immigration papers or passport

·        Employment verification (pay stubs)

·        Income tax reports for the last three years

·        Letters of (CHARACTER) recommendation

·        Marriage certificate Car registration papers

·        Medical reports (if presently under a doctor’s

·        Military disability information (C-number)

·        Military discharge certificate

·        Naturalization papers

·        Professional papers (COPIES: Social Security Care, Drivers Lic., certificates, licenses, or Seaman’s papers permits)

·        Proof of residence (rent receipts, property and Union, lodge, or club cards mortgage papers, etc.)

·        School diplomas



But even if all things are done right, the Judge may still not change your sentence and placement – even so,

Your Narrative is now part of your Reentry Planning – helping you through the BOP, FSA Programming, and into Halfway House as you work towards early release

Sam Bankman (FTX) – Could face lifetime: Personal Narrative Only Option?

Sam Bankman was charged with multiple counts of conspiracy: wire- commodities- securities fraud, and campaign finance violations.
 In December, Bankman-Fried was arrested in the Bahamas and charged with wire fraud, securities fraud, and money laundering, among other things;
·        defrauding FTX investors.
·       extradited to the US and released on a $250 million bond  with an ankle bracelet, and
·       submit to mental health counseling
Sam Bankman’s bail dwarfs other federal white-collar bonds.
·       Bernie Madoff posted a $10 million bond while awaiting trial on his multibillion-dollar Ponzi scheme.
·       Jeff Skilling, former Enron CEO, posted a $5 million bond, while
·       Elizabeth Holmes, Theranos founder, posted a scant $500,000.
A trial date is expected in the Southern District of New York.
·       Caroline Ellison and Gary Wang, two former top executives at Bankman-Fried’s companies,
·       have pleaded guilty to several fraud charges and FTX co-founder Gary Wang and former Alameda Research co-CEO Caroline Ellison are cooperating with federal prosecutors in the investigation.

 He will face his next hearing, presided over by Judge Ronnie Abrams, in New York City on Jan. 3., where he’ll enter his plea and be arraigned.

Typical questions – do not apply:
1: shortest time, and
2: How to get out of prison altogether.
Sam Bankman can’t leave all of the sentencing mitigation decisions up to his lawyer – These decisions are made jointly – as jail time could be a lifetime.
But they do not have to be.
Interviews with Federal Judges tell us;
·        Judge Bough discounts some of what lawyers say because they’re paid to do so.
·        Judge Pearson– approaching sentencing should be with the seriousness of a job.  What happened in your life that led to this courtroom.”
·        Judge Boulware said, “The order of decision-making should be: 
1: Defendant,
2: Lawyer,
3: Friends and family.
…too many defendants get this order wrong.”
Sam’s options:
Spend  time with introspection, because
·        It is/was his company,
·        He’s responsible for all decisions made
·        He is responsible for his own actions: between all of his interviews, defending and deflecting his actions in the public domain is now, ‘on the record’.
He has a real legal challenge, comparing;
His bond: 250 M 
  • Bernie Madoff = $10 million, with ~ 100Yrs
  • Jeff Skilling, former Enron CEO, = $5 million
  • Elizabeth Holmes, = $500,000, ~ 11.5 years
If he insists on Trial, the odds are against him, especially as his ‘2 lieutenants’ have already pleaded Guilty and are cooperating.
That only leaves a Plea Bargain –
  • Leave most of the Law work, to his attorneys
Consider sentence Mitigation Experts, starting after the guilty hearing
…and there are no guarantees either way.

You’re The Target of The FBI – Surrendering During COVID 2022/23





All prisons and jails, being closed-in environments, were perfect breeding grounds, although in the federal system, a few wardens did a great job protecting inmates and staff alike.


  • If you have had all your COVID vaccines and boosters, bring verification
  • If you haven’t, that’s ok too.
  • If you had your Flu Shot, bring verification.
  • Should your warden be overly cautious in instituting precautions, be grateful. It is better to error on the side of caution.
  • Through your preparation and PSR, the Judge has already seen YOUR COMPLETE MEDICAL Record, which is already at the Prison.

At this point, I cannot tell you if you will be put into an isolation cell, but as of this recording 12/10/2022, that may not be necessary.

Hello and welcome My name is Marc Blatstein – and I’m the Physician who found Physician Presentence Report Service (PPRS)

Learn From My Mistakes – So you Don’t Make Yours

I’ve been in practice for 30+ years, which was unfortunately interrupted by an early 6 am knock at my front door,

and a 2nd at 8 am at my podiatric medical practice – all for a problem that I created.

As a result, I Plead Guilty to a Felony and was convicted of a federal White-Collar crime, and was sentenced to time in the BOP.

After my release, and several years of hard work, my license was, restored in full in 2010.

Around that time

  • I chose to use my skills in medicine
  • with my understanding of the BOP
  • to assist those of you,
  • who like me,
  • find themselves facing our Criminal Justice System.


I Made It A Point

  •  WHILE YOUR STAY IN PRISON WILL BE TEMPORARY (and At times uncomfortable)

The Goal Is To Be Productive and Keep It as Short as Possible

Surrendering To The BOP During COVID Their Modified Operation Levels

Quarantine: Levels: #1, 2, or 3

  • Even though Level 1 is the Lowest,
    • Masks may be required, (remember that the flu is another complication this yr. as we have been isolated since 2/2020)
    • but otherwise, all appears to be functioning normally
  • If you’re designated to a facility that is under Operational Level 2 or 3
    • These may require that additional CDC prevention guidelines be followed
  • Here the Warden is Responsible for determining his ‘operation level’, and
    • these levels will vary around the BOP.

You could be in Quarantine for 2-4 weeks,

  • Remember in the Big Picture –THIS IS TEMPORARY
  • Now preparing for 1-4 weeks in a cell – You Will Get Bored
  • Think about Books – Books You Can Learn From:
  • Make a list of books you’d like to read – START SENDING TWO DAYS BEFORE YOU ARRIVE,
  • Pre-Set a schedule for each friend and family member – it’s cheaper for all
  • Getting too many books at once could get you in trouble
    • Ask family & friends to each send books from the list, 2 books at a time
  • When you get to the Camp or Low
    • After you make friends, ask them, to ask their family, to call yours and let them know you are OK.

Hardback – from Amazon, Softback – from home

  1. Marco Polo’s “Travels”,
  2. Martin Luther King’s “Letter from Birmingham Jail”,
  3. Nelson Mandela’s Autobiography
  4. The Three Laws of Performance, By Steve Zaffron
  5. Rich Dad, Poor Dad, by Robert T. Kiyosaki
  6. How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie
  7. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: STEPHEN R COVEY
  8. The Power of Habit: by Charles Duhigg
  9. Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson
  10. The Gift, Edith Eva Eger

… these are all great places to start and should continue throughout your stay

Inmates may also receive up to five magazines (no sexually explicit material) or paperback books per day.

Paperback books sent in a package

  • must have the contents clearly annotated on the outside of the box
  • (IE… 5 paperback books enclosed in accordance with BOP policy), and
  • only the books may be in the package.

Books, magazines, and photos are the basic items that an inmate may receive from family and friends.

Hard-covered books:

  • (no padded covers, no enclosed CD/DVD) and/or newspapers
  • only from a publisher, distributor, or bookseller (IE…, Walden


Blank journals, diaries, address books, daily planners, card stock, construction paper, hobby craft materials, or sketchbooks

  • are not authorized for receipt.
  • Inmates also cannot receive any food items, clothing, or electronic media (CDs, DVDs, flash drives, etc…).

Consultations are on me.

Thank you! Marc


Physician Presentence Report Service

No matter where you are in The Process, there are things we can do

* No Physician,  Attorney, or Consultant can promise any outcomes.


Take Ownership of Your Defense – What Happens When You Don’t

Take Ownership of Your Defense – What Happens When You Don’t

I wanted to do this podcast on a phone call that I had earlier this morning. Someone who has a disease and is on medication., and yet his attorney had not prepared all his medical records – or any of his medical records for his PSR and sentencing hearing.

Hello and welcome My name is Marc Blatstein – and I’m the Physician who found Physician Presentence Report Service (PPRS)

Speaking with him this morning, I was taken aback to learn that: he had already been sentenced. Here I was trying to ask questions and learn how it was he was sentenced with an incomplete pre-sentence report. – That didn’t make any sense.

But. If the information I learned was accurate, his presentence report was incomplete.

The person’s main concern was that his medication did not appear available on the BOP online Formulary. Initially, I must give credit to this gentleman and his wife (who is in school to be a nurse practitioner). They recognized that the medication was not on the formulary, which is not an easy thing to read.

As he was to surrender in the next 45-60 days, my recommendations were to meet with his treating physician to:

·        Get copies of “all” his records

·        Copies of his prescriptions

·        Review the BOP Formulary with his physician to see if there were any acceptable medications to substitute.

·        If Yes, he needs to get a copy of this new notification regarding a medication change, due to the BOP Formulary

  • Get a hard copy of the prescription and fill it.

·        If No, and this is a Continuity of Care and/or life-threatening issue, then appearing in court at the Sentencing Hearing is preferred as Judges would usually like to question the Specialist. The challenge – he has already been sentenced, so I suppose he will call me back…

While I hope this Case Is rare, it points out that every defendant, once you’re indicted, needs to take ownership of all aspects of their defense. 

Then Be honest with yourself (and your attorney) regarding all the facts of the case, then, start interviewing attorneys.

·        Ask for referrals to see speak to some happy clients, then.

·        Ask to read some of their sentencing memorandums, in cases like yours. 

·        The goal is to see if they’re the same or if each is individualized – In the same Criminal defense space.

·        If the attorney says this is private information, which is understandable.

·        You agree, and then request that they block out all personal information.

Then you just can’t assume that the attorney is going to do everything right – which is why I am doing this podcast.

  • This must be a partnership with your attorney.


So, what does that mean? This partnership extends into preparation for the Presentence Interview, which will impact your future.

The short version is that the probation officer’s responsibility is to Interview you., Investigate, and then draft the Presentence Report (PSR)

  • They then provide that PSR to the judge, along with their recommendations for your sentence and placement.


Part I) How do you take Ownership?
First. Your attorney 

Reaches out to learn who your probation officer is, and then contact them.

Assume that the probation officer has Googled you &/or spoken to the prosecutor. Because if they have, then they may already have a bias Against you,

Why, because the Justice Department has already released all the information about you that makes you look horrible.

1st           So this first step, your attorney reaching out to the PO Sets the Tone 

  • For Your Defense, it allows them to hear from
  • you first before they’ve been 
  • tainted by others’ perceptions of who you are. 

This allows them to make their case regarding their defense strategy, on the record – to the PO. This is followed by a very organized, detailed letter that details this strategy.

They will also Ask the probation officer:

  • what documents they will need at the time of the interview.
  • What date is best for them to do the pre-sentence interview?
  • And what is their final dictation Deadline date to have their official pre-sentence report due to their supervisor?

2nd          Review with your legal team that all the information you have collected, to ensure all your background information is available and accurate

3rd         The PO has scored your Public Safety Factors (PSF), Management Variables, Criminal History Score, Offense Level (current charges), and FSA Programs,

  • Be prepared, so should you and your attorneys

4th          RDAP Eligible, Then INCLUDE It.

5th          Don’t try for a CARE LEVEL III or IV unless it is required because it houses both violent and non-violent offenders

Part II) How do you take Ownership?
You, as the defendant has jobs.

1st           You must collect All of your biographical background information.

Copies of all your medical and mental healthcare records and your physician’s contact information (name, Phone number, address, e-mail.)

Copies of all surgery reports, medication prescriptions, and medical devices.

·        If you’ve had any hospitalizations, copies of those records.

·        If you’ve had any sort of laboratory blood test, copies of those, or X-rays, CT scans, MRI scans, PET scans, or ultrasounds, all of those will have reports associated with them. You need to get copies of everything. 

  • You should also get them on CDs.

·        While you’re doing this, it’s been my impression that most people don’t have a copy of their medical records. Therefore, it would be simpler if you asked for two copies of everything from each provider of all these documents.


Next, you will have to get copies of your birth certificate, driver’s license, Social Security card, and passport.

Also, the highest level of education that you’ve achieved, if you’ve been in the military, what’s the highest rank you had, and what type of discharge? Any certificates – include them.


Character reference letters. 

Those writing character reference letters (or references about your character) must include that they know you’re facing a criminal charge.

  • They should reference good deeds that they have seen you do, tutoring, and volunteering.
  • It also could be letters from former employers who say they know you are willing to rehire you. A VERY BIG DEAL

2nd          Your Personal Narrative – takes work, and starts with writing your life story, the good, the bad, and the ugly.

  • If it starts a book, great, it will be re-written, multiple times and distilled until it represents



3rd          Reentry Planning: Starts now, extending through the prison, RRC, and supervised release

When I was sentenced – I WAS UNPREPARED

This is why I was concerned during this conversation, and my recommendations were simple:

·        Meet with your doctor and let them review the BOP Formulary Drug List for a substitution

  • Get copies of all of his medical records, lab tests, surgery reports, physician contact information, and all of the X-Rays, CTs, MRIs, Ultrasounds, and any other scans both in a report form and on CDs
  • Put them in a big envelope, labeled legal mail for his surrender

·        Don’t forget about Your Personal Narrative and Allocution


This is why it’s important to participate in your defense – I sympathize with those who like me, were “The deer in Headlights”

  • But the “Symbolic Act” of participating in your defense, that
  • “taking back Control” will begin to slowly build the Confidence back that made you the success that you are

Dr. Blatstein